Which financial institutions are represented in Cashlend?
There are currently three financial institutions represented on the platform: "Credex", "SN Finance" and "FD Credissimo".
- "Credex" OOD is a Bulgarian non-banking financial institution, founded in 2019, registered with the Bulgarian National Bank under registration number BGR00430. You can see more about the company here (Originator)
- "SN Finance" OOD is a Macedonian non-banking financial institution, founded in 2016, registered in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia with decision no. 13-14385 / 4 of 14.12.2016. You can see more about the company here (Originator)
- "Credissimo DOOEL Skopje Financial Company" is part of the Credisimo Bulgaria Group (www.credissimo.com). The company was founded in 2016, registered with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia with Decision No. 13-5945 / 7 of 30.06.2016. More about the company can be seen here (Originator)