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New originator in Cashlend: SN Finance from the Republic of North Macedonia is the newest originator in Cashlend

New originator in Cashlend: SN Finance from the Republic of North Macedonia is the newest originator in Cashlend

New originator in Cashlend:

'SN Finance' from the Republic of North Macedonia is the newest originator in Cashlend

Given the growth of our platform and the need for new investment opportunities, the Cashlend team entered into a contractual relationship with a new international partner. Financial company FC 'SN Finance' became the first international originator in Cashlend at the end of April 2021 and offers the opportunity to invest in consumer loans granted by the company.

Founded in 2016, SN Finance Ltd. is the first fintech company in North Macedonia, established with local capital, with a focus on providing small consumer loans for amounts from EUR 100 to 2,000 and repayment terms from 2 to 60 months.

'SN Finance' is part of the holding 'SN Group', which develops many activities in various fields, such as: IT services, insurance services, car sales and car servicing, health insurance, tourist services and others. In addition to consumer loans, "SN Finance" Ltd. offers mortgage loans, payment cards, issuance of guarantees and factoring.

FC "SN Finance" has a team of 44 people and offers its services mainly online. In addition to online lending, it also operates in 9 physical locations in different cities across the country. In less than 5 years, 'SN Finance' OOD managed to become one of the leading fintech companies in this part of Europe and is currently the second largest non-banking financial institution in North Macedonia.

Since its inception, SN Finance Ltd. has been led by Nikola Yoshevski, whose previous experience includes over 10 years of work in the banking sector of North Macedonia as manager of the local branch of ALFA Bank.

The annual yield that 'SN Finance' will offer to Cashlend investors amounts to 12%. The loans that the company will publish on the platform are within the above-mentioned framework, namely: in the amount between EUR 100 and 2,000 and repayment terms between 2 and 60 months.

The loans granted by FC "SN Finance" OOD are in Macedonian denars, protected from currency risk and devaluation with a clause according to which the borrowers owe the equivalent of the amount in Euros. For the convenience of investors, we convert loans into BGN, according to the BNB fixing.

'SN Finance' offers buy back according to Cashlend's general terms and conditions.

We thank all investors for their trust and wish you a bright Easter holidays!

From the Cashlend team


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